Thursday, November 22, 2007

3 Idiotic White Men...

I have no remorse or whatsoever for typing the title above. To other courteous non-asians & asians, have no fear for you did not do what the 3 idiots below did. To the 3 idiots, have a very happy life in hell...certainly you just earned your tickets to hell, betcha a lot of people did pray for the express tickets to hell. Or rather, let's not be so evil. Let's see you 3 trying to make a living in wheelchairs, in wheelchair, neglected and begging for money. Karma will get to you, and at that time, I bet everyone will be filming you instead.

1 comment:

hhyeo said...

Damn I should be there when that happens...They think they can do whatever they want just because the old man can't fight back...
For me, I' know what I'll do